

  本片根據慈濟會員的真人真事改編。一位逃家的女學生陳小蘭因為家教不當而誤入崎途,淪落風塵成為雛妓,後來碰到一位善心熱 情的教會社工人員張明道,兩人之間擦撞出愛情火花,甚至走入教堂成婚。小蘭個性剛烈,她曾經因吸毒傷人而坐牢,也曾經和小痞子黑仔同居而成販毒共犯,但最 後因為受慈濟證嚴法師的精神感召和明道的愛心感動,加上自己的反省和向善之心,而決心重新做人,歷經掙扎而獲得救贖。

Synopsis of Spring Cactus

      Based on the true story of a Tzu-Chi foundation volunteer Chen Ai-Lan, this film is made possible after a few years of field investigation. Chen Ai-Lan had passed away from this world. Lan was from a broken family. She had been eager for a happy family life but never got it. She left her family and met a social worker, Ming-Dau. Someday, out of an uncontrollable impulse, she inflicted wound upon Ming-Dau. She met Blacky after being released from prison. Bad-tempered Blacky was a gambler. In a conflict, again, Lan inflicted wound upon him. She tried to escape, but began to regret. Then she saw the Dharma Master Cheng- Yen and was influenced and called by her. At this point, she discovered her true self and value. Her mind being washed, the peace and purity had uncovered and manifested.


出品   李行 黃陳金鶴

監製   張時坤

製片   姚幼舜 蔡登山

編導   黃玉珊

編劇   何昕明

主演   賈靜雯 胡兵 林立洋

攝影   張致元

副導   陳若菲

音樂   陳世興

Produced by           Hsing Lee

                           King Ho Huang Chen

Executive producer  Shih Hun Chang

Directed by            Yu-Shan Huang

Screenplay by        Shin-Ming Ho

                          Yu-Shan Huang   

Cast                    Jia Jing-Wen

                          Hu Bing

                          Lin Li- Yang

Presented by        Taiwan Film Culture Company

                          B & W Film Studio   (1998)


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