The Song of Chatian Mountain
This film is adapted from Chung Chao-Cheng's novel of the same title, Song of Chatian Mountain. It depicts the intellectual tyranny of the occupiers at the end of the Second World War and the way that educated persons resisted it. The story begins with a Taiwanese man, Lu Zhixiang, well educated in Japan and a judo master, who returns to Taiwan to live up to his high ideals. He plans to join an anti-Japanese organization on his return, but his ship is sunk on the voyage back and he must struggle with the ocean for his life. He survives, barely, but the Japanese police are after him, and he flees to the mountains. There he lives for a long time, leading a lonely life, wood-cutting, catching eels, and fishing to support himself. He wins the admiration of the local peasants and aboriginal people, and also the love of Benmei, a strongly maternal figure, who decides she wishes to become his wife. The entire film is shot in high-definition video, and it shows the more intimate side of human nature with great subtlety, emotionally understated but full of a humanistic spirit.
監製:王 瑋
編劇:陳 燁
製片經理:杜慧娟/ 製片統籌:黃瓀潢 / 副 導:黎振昌 /執行製片:陳三資
攝影指導:鄭沛民/ 美術顧問:李富雄/ 美術:洪明成/ 剪接:杜慧君 /作曲:李宜蒼/ 主唱:阿格/ 黃玉
岀品:黑巨傳播事業股份有限公司 B & W Film Studio (2007)
参展紀錄:南方影展觀摩片/ 英國影藝學院台灣電影節觀摩片
公視經典電影院播出/ 2008南非開普敦影展競賽片
代理經銷:魔石娛樂02-29460385 /sunhorng@pchome.com.tw