


  日據時代知名雕刻家及畫家黃清埕從日本學成歸國,他與相伴多年的鋼琴家女友桂香搭乘由神戶啟程往基隆的巨輪--高千穗丸,準備回鄉探望親人後赴北平藝專教 書,未料,船抵基隆港外,竟遭美國潛艇魚雷擊中,當時船上僅有兩艘救生艇駛回基隆港,船上一千多名乘客多不幸罹難。這段堪稱世界第三大船難,也是台灣歷史 中的重要紀事,不僅沒有得到應有的感懷,還遭受到官方禁論及打壓,大時代下的悲劇,因此伴隨著高千穗丸的沉寂逐漸被遺忘,而黃清埕這位有可能是台灣有史以 來最具天份的藝術家,也隨之殞落,藝術成就鮮少為人所提及。

  多年後,修復專家琇琇透過一次美術展認識了黃清埕的畫作,也因修畫及採訪的緣故,對於黃清埕作品和高千穗丸事件產生了好奇,琇琇逐漸發現每幅畫中人物,背 後都有一段感人故事,其中「黑衣婦人」像和「桂香頭像」,似乎又別具某種浪漫糾纏的關係,在一路尋訪、修補過程中,琇琇一步步受到黃清埕對藝術生命與價值 的感召,因而引發對自我的強烈衝擊與定位,並為長年隱藏在身體中的病痛找到了出路......紀事也就此展開。

Synopsis of The Strait Story

      The year is 1943, and Taiwan is under Japanese colonization. After finishing his studies in Japan, famed Taiwanese sculptor and painter Ching-Cheng Huang receives an offer to teach in Beiping Art School. He decides to visit friends and family back home before leaving for China. He boards the passenger liner Takachiho Maru in Kobe, Japan, with his girlfriend, a piano player.Tragically, the luxurious liner is torpedoed by an American submarine and sinks off the coast of Keelung, Taiwan.

     More than 1000 lives were claimed, and only a few survivors were rescued from two lifeboats. This, the third most disastrous shipwreck in world history, should have been remembered as important episode in Taiwanese history. However, instead of commemorating the tragedy, discussions and inquiries about the incident were forbidden by the island's Japanese colonial governor. As a result, the story of Takachiho Maru sunk with the liner and its passengers. Ching-Cheng Huang, perhaps one of the most talented artists Taiwan had ever produced, was forgotten as well.

     Many years later, Shou-shou, a fine art restorer with a crippling illness, finds one of Huang's paintings in an exhibition. In order to restore the painting, Shou-shou learns about the artist, the stories behind his work, and his death at sea. She recreates the story of the painting's "Woman in Black", and romantically imagines the ways the artist painted his girlfriend. The more she studies, the more inspired she becomes. Restoring Huang's painting thus becomes Shou-shou's way of restoring herself.

岀 品 人:陳尚仁/ 黃陳金鶴

監    製:林一方/ 陳亮光

編    導:黃玉珊

主    演:Freddy(林昶佐)/張鈞甯/徐懷鈺/何豪傑

攝    影:劉芸后

美    術:李富雄/涂維政

音    樂:李宜蒼

岀品公司:台灣聯通科技股份有限公司/黑巨傳播事業股份有限公司 (2005年)

經銷代理: 魔石娛樂有限公司  電話: 02-29460385   網路訂購

参展紀錄:2005 高雄電影節開幕片

             2005 南方影展觀摩片 /2005女性影展觀摩片


             2006 紐約台灣女性影展觀摩片

             2006 美國西岸台灣電影節觀摩片

             2008 公視經典電影院

             2008 南非開普敦影展觀摩片

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